Bible-Based Writing Lessons [Teacher/Student Combo]

Implementing the Structure and Style® Writing Method

Category: Writing
Author: Kristin Boutross, Andrew Pudewa, James B. Webster, Ph.D.
  • 9-12
Bible-Based Writing Lessons [Teacher/Student Combo]
Availability: In Stock
Delve into Bible stories and themes while learning to write with structure and style.

† Contains distinctly Christian content

This collection of writing lessons provides an incredible opportunity to increase your students’ understanding of Scripture as they improve their writing abilities. Working through all of IEW's nine units—and beyond, these writing lessons use actual passages from Scripture as source texts.

Lessons teach students to take notes, retell narrative stories, summarize references, write from pictures, compose essays, and more, giving them a deeper understanding and in turn helping them communicate the timeless truth of God's Word. This theme-based writing curriculum offers a full year of instruction for students with previous IEW experience and reading comprehension at grades 6–8+. Includes vocabulary cards, literature suggestions, and access to helpful PDF downloads.

This book is designed to be used by an instructor who has been through or is currently viewing the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style video course.

Specifications: Teacher: 298 pages, Student: 292 pages

ISBN: 978-1-62341-317-0

Edition: Third Edition, April 2019

Copyright Date: 2019


Student Book:

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Home use: The purchaser may copy this Student Book for use by multiple children within his or her immediate family.

Small group or co-op classes: Each participating student or family is required to purchase a Student Book.

Classroom teachers: A Student Book must be purchased for each participating student.


Teacher’s Manual:

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No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by U.S.A. copyright law and the specific policy below:

Home use: Because this Teacher’s Manual l may not be reproduced, each family must purchase its own copy.

Small group or co-op classes: Because this Teacher’s Manual may not be reproduced, each teacher must purchase his or her own copy.

Classroom teachers: Because this Teacher’s Manual may not be reproduced, each teacher must purchase his or her own copy.

Library use: This Teacher’s Manual may be checked out of a lending library provided patrons agree not make copies.

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