Opportunities for State Organization Members: AFHE

Arizona Families for Home Education (AFHE) is the statewide organization that has been serving the needs and protecting the rights of Arizona’s homeschooling families since 1983. AFHE is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational, religious, and charitable corporation run by a Christian board of directors. AFHE membership is available to all homeschooling parents in Arizona.


AFHE exists to inspire parents to home educate their children; promote parent-directed home-based education; preserve the freedom to homeschool; and support parents who choose a home-based education option for their children. 



Click the links below for detailed descriptions, and add each to your cart.

Contact your organization for a coupon code to deduct the cost of these items before placing your order.

Premium Membership is packed full of benefits, such as the streaming video course Teaching Writing: Structure and Style, the Checklist Generator™, audio and video library, Andrew Pudewa's book, However Imperfectlydownloadable products, and so much more. To receive Premium Membership free, contact your organization. 








  1. IEW.com/free-spelling – Learn how to spell with an auditory, mastery approach that works! This link gives free access to the talk Spelling and the Brain, the first lesson of The Phonetic Zoo Spelling course (Levels A, B, and C), and The Phonetic Zoo Teacher’s Notes e-book PDF.
  2. IEW.com/free-pal – Teach language arts to primary grade children (grades K–2) using the Blended Sight and Sound method. Get a free sample of Printing with Letter Stories to try on your own!
  3. IEW.com/theme-based – Find out more about IEW's theme-based writing books.
  4. IEW.com/magalog – View or download a digital copy of IEW's magazine catalog.
  5. IEW.com/podcast – Listen to IEW's weekly podcast, The Arts of Language.
  6. Sign up to receive IEW's monthly newsletter and blogs.








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