In this twelve-week course, middle- and high-school students learn memory and delivery techniques as they write and present five speeches: self-introductory, narrative, expository, persuasive, and impromptu. Students evaluate recorded speeches in preparation for self-evaluation. This self-explanatory program empowers teachers to help students become competent and confident public speakers.
Introduce your students to the beauty of literature through the doorway of poetry. Enrich vocabulary while infusing reliably correct and sophisticated English language patterns into students' minds. How? By listening to and memorizing these classic poems and speeches, which are read with flair and finesse!
Looking for a new approach to spelling? This phonics-based program uses auditory input to ensure that the correct spelling of each word is absorbed by the brain. The audio allows students to work independently much of the time, while allowing for the repetition needed for mastery. The audio portion of the program can be purchased as CDs or as an MP3 download. If you choose the MP3 download, the study cards will be shipped and a regular shipping fee will be applied.
Armed with a method and a plan, parents and teachers using the Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization course will provide students with a way to memorize poetry that will help them become excellent writers and speakers.
In this new course, join Andrew Pudewa as he leads students on a 24-week writing journey using IEW’s Structure and Style approach. Students reading at a 6th–8th grade level will take delight in Mr. Pudewa’s humorous, incremental, and effective writing lessons. The curriculum provides clear daily assignments and includes vocabulary words, literature suggestions, and lesson plans for teachers. In addition to the student writing course, teachers learn IEW methodology from their training course, Teaching Writing: Structure and Style. Easy to use and affordable, Structure and Style for Students plus Fix It! Grammar bring a successful solution to your writing and grammar lessons—guaranteed!
Take your 7th–9th-grade students to the next level in their Structure and Style® writing journey! Twenty-four more weeks of incredible writing instruction await with the humorous and engaging Andrew Pudewa. Students who have completed Year 1 Level B and are ready for their second year of the Structure and Style for Students video course will enjoy reviewing and refining the nine previously learned IEW units, then pressing on into writing responses to literature. The curriculum provides clear daily assignments and includes vocabulary words, literature suggestions, and lesson plans for teachers. Easy to use and affordable, the second year of Structure and Style for Students builds on the skills learned in the previous video course and brings a successful solution to your writing lessons—guaranteed!
Take your 8th–9th-grade students to the next level in their Structure and Style® writing journey! Twenty-four more weeks of incredible writing instruction await with the humorous and engaging Andrew Pudewa. Students who have completed Year 2 Level B and are ready for their third year of the Structure and Style for Students video course will refine their writing skills using the nine previously learned IEW® units. In addition, six weeks of the course focus on reading, analyzing, and writing poetry. The curriculum provides clear daily assignments and includes vocabulary words, literature suggestions, and lesson plans for teachers. Easy to use and affordable, the third year of Structure and Style for Students builds on the skills learned in the previous video course and brings a successful solution to your writing lessons—guaranteed!
In this new course, join Andrew Pudewa as he leads students on a 24-week writing journey using IEW’s Structure and Style approach. Students reading at a 6th–8th grade level will take delight in Mr. Pudewa’s humorous, incremental, and effective writing lessons. The curriculum provides clear daily assignments and includes vocabulary words, literature suggestions, and lesson plans for teachers. Easy to use and affordable, Structure and Style for Students plus Fix It! Grammar bring a successful solution to your writing and grammar lessons—guaranteed!
We offer a 100% satisfaction, no time limit guarantee on everything we sell.