Episode 434

Letters from Listeners

Jul 17, 2024

In this episode, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker open the mailbag (or the email inbox) and read letters IEW has received from students, parents, and teachers. Listen to this episode to find out how one student saved a library after writing an IEW assignment! Some students sent Andrew samples of their work, and he shares some excerpts on this podcast. We love hearing from our customers!

Referenced Materials



Julie’s Flat Stanley in Astoria, Oregon


Eli and Caleb, former Introduction to Public Speaking students


If you have questions for Andrew, send them to podcast@IEW.com
Perhaps your question will be answered at the next Ask Andrew Anything (AAA).

If you have questions about IEW products or classes, contact customer service at 800.856.5815 or info@IEW.com


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