Pam Nofer
I have been teaching IEW for more than 20 years. I was introduced to this method at a small seminar in Rocklin Ca. and realized this is what I needed to teach my daughter to write as I, as a homeschool mom had tried several different "writing workbooks" out there with limited or no success at all. It soon became a buzz in my homeschool community and before I knew it, I was not only using it on my own children but found myself teaching it to many homeschool families in my community. This went on for several years. After an unexpected circumstance in my life I found I needed to support myself and found a teaching position at a small Christian school near Rocklin and introduced this method to the school, that was eight years ago. I began teaching it as an elective for grades 3 and up but as our school grew I could no longer handle teaching my classroom and all the rest of the students IEW so it became imperative to teach the other teachers the method by watching the TWSS
seminars and finally getting us registered. I teach 2nd grade and at the second semester of the school year I teach my second graders units 1 and 2, they love it! The teachers of the older grades teach the rest of the units. We have mapped it out this way, 3rd grade teaches units 1-4 during the year, 5-6 goes from 1-7 and 8-9 teaches units 1-9. We only have about 30 to 45 minutes a week to teach this so this method works well for our school. I can't imagine teaching writing any other way.