Melissa Whitchurch
2024-2025 Courses
- Level A: Adventures in Writing
- Level B: Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons
- Level C: Advanced U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons
- Level C: Structure and Style for Students 1C (for dual credit with or high school only)
All courses have the option for expansion to include public speaking, literature, and grammar.
2023-2024 Tutoring: I am not available for one on one tutoring at this time.
I love writing because I love God's truth. I love Jesus and his gift to us on the cross. God speaks to us through his word; we speak the truth of God to one another and to the world with words. Ideas are exchanged and refined with words. Friendships are mended with words. Great treaties between nations are forged with words. Scientific theory is expressed in words. Wisdom to a little child is gifted by words. Anything you would like to do anywhere in the world, from a small task to a great one, will be done better for your pursuit of the mastery of words. Eager to grow in precision and artistry as a wordsmith myself, I delight in bringing young wordsmiths along with me, equipping, encouraging, and exhorting them as we go.
- Completion of the instructor course, Teaching Writing with Structure and Style
- Accredited with IEW as a Registered Instructor in 2021
- Accredited with IEW at the Certified Instrurtor level in 2023
- Continued education through IEW
- BS in Recreation from Southern Illinois University
Courses Taught Previously or in Progress
Level C
- Structure and Style for Students 1C
- High School English: Custom course with The Lord of the Rings, public speaking, literature and grammar.
Level B
- Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons
- Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons
- U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons
- Modern World History-Based Writing Lessons
Level A
- All Things Fun and Fascinating
- Fables, Myths, and Fiary Tales
- Wonders of Science
Classical Conversations
- Essentials of the English Language Tutor
- Foundations Tutor