IEW Instructor

Certified Instructor
Accepting Enrollment
Location: Manassas, VA
Phone: 808-489-7886
Services: Classes, Online Classes, Private Tutoring, Paper Grading
Grades: 2-12

Katie Lynch

Katie Lynch holds a MS degree in Applied Counseling Psychology from the University of Baltimore, as well as BA in Psychology with a minor in Child Development and Family Relations from East Carolina University. For several years, she worked in the counseling department at an all girls’ catholic high school. After relocating, she taught Psychology at a local community college as well as psychoeducational classes to US Army Soldiers returning from combat. Currently, Mrs. Lynch is the mother to 3 teenage boys, whom she homeschooled for six years. After seeing her children’s struggle with writing, both in the school environment and in homeschooling, she was ecstatic to see the ease and benefits of IEW. Because of its immediate success with her children, Mrs. Lynch obtained The Institute for Excellence in Writing Certified Instruction accreditation and has been teaching group classes, as well as private tutoring for the past five years.

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