IEW Instructor

Registered Instructor
Accepting Enrollment
Location: North Pole, AK
Phone: (907) 590-5094
Services: Classes, Private Tutoring, Other
Grades: 3–12

Jacquelyn Makinen

I am a homeschooling mother of 7 children (5 boys and 2 girls) who began the homeschooling journey in 2001; I was introduced to IEW materials in 2006. After using the materials for a decade, I felt confident enough to apply for accreditation and use the methods to teach students outside of my immediate family. Watching students blossom in their writing has been a joy to experience. Consequently, students have developed friendships with each other that have flourished outside of "the classroom." With modeling and encouragement, the IEW methodology proves that anyone can learn to write well. 

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