Annie Schultz
Annie, a dedicated Japanese mother, has diligently taught English to her five children for nearly fifteen years in Japan, where Japanese is the predominant language. Despite the challenges presented by a lack of English immersion in their environment, her eldest child achieved an impressive CEFR C1 level at the age of thirteen. Now, Annie aims to impart sophisticated English to her children by using the IEW methods and materials, which have significantly revolutionalized her approach to English writing.
She firmly believes parents, educators, and English learners worldwide should closely pay attention to Mr. Andrew Pudewa's educational philosophy and the IEW methods. It is a blessing to have Mr. Pudewa and the IEW in the field of English education. Inspired by her own positive experience, Annie hopes to share her journey with parents, educators, and English learners, especially those in non-English speaking countries.
Annie's Japanese name is Yoko Shinokubo.