IEW Instructor

Registered Instructor
Accepting Enrollment
Location: Bozeman, MT
Services: Classes, Private Tutoring, Paper Grading
Grades: 4 - 12

Anne Gee

While born and raised in the corn fields of central Indiana, Anne has lived more than half her life in Montana and would consider herself a "grafted native" after being in MT since 1990.  Anne obtained her degree from Purdue University and it was while teaching as a graduate student when it became apparant that teaching was something she enjoyed. Only years later, while homeschooling her 3 children, did it become a true passion and a path to pursue vocationally.  IEW was a staple of daily school schedule and it more than adequately prepared her kids for post secondary education.  Anne has a natural love for writing, so finding this program was thrilling, and naturally she desires to pass it along to any student who is fortunate enough to take the courses.  To say that Anne is excited to be able, as a registered instructor,  to share this stellar program with students is an understatement.  

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