Where will you be on July 22, 2023?

Jun 02, 2023 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

Summers are not only a time to enjoy a break from the busy schedule of the school year but a time to rest, rejuvenate, and reflect on the past year. For many educators, the much-needed break stimulates their creativity, and they find inspiration and energy to prepare for the upcoming semester. We hope you’ll join us this summer for the Annual Educators’ Conference and find new ideas, teaching tips, encouragement, and enjoyable camaraderie with other teachers and teaching parents.

Andrew Pudewa will present the following workshops.

9:00 AM CT: Cultivating Language Arts — Preschool through High School

Listening and reading well, speaking and writing clearly, and thinking and debating effectively are abilities that most parents hope to cultivate in their children. With that goal in mind, Andrew Pudewa explores various environments and activities that accelerate the development of these language skills, beginning with the youngest students and continuing into the high school years.

10:30 AM CT: Mastery Learning, Ability Development, and Individualized Education

What is mastery learning? How does it relate to education? Andrew Pudewa explains the methods, goals, and benefits of the ability development model as developed by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. He also discusses applications to disciplines other than music. Learn how you can create success in areas where you or your children have struggled in the past.

1:00 PM CT: Spelling and the Brain

Many children have difficulty learning to spell, but the difficulty may not be with the student. Often parents and teachers feel ill-equipped to help students who are not natural spellers. Join Andrew Pudewa to learn how spelling information is most efficiently stored in the brain, to gain greater insight into the nature of spelling and neurological function, and to be better equipped to teach students how to spell.

2:30 PM CT: Hacking High School: Rethinking the Teen Years

Most of us have presuppositions about what high school is based on our own experience. Times are changing, and the opportunities for home educating high schoolers have grown rapidly. Many of these opportunities will save time, help your family avoid higher education debt, and give your teens a head start on their next decade of life.

If you can’t join us on July 22 but would appreciate the recordings, fill out the registration form so that you will receive an email with the link.

So, save the date and join us online or in person on July 22!

Register to attend online.

Register to attend in person.


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