Unit 5: Writing from a Christmas Picture

Dec 11, 2017 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team




The month of December is a hectic one. You may barely be through the Thanksgiving turkey leftovers, and then suddenly you find yourself in the midst of Christmas decorating, baking, and socializing. Rather than pressing on into Unit 6, linger a little longer in Unit 5 with your students. A fun Christmas image will be sure to spark your students’ imaginations!

                                 Public Domain: https://freevintageillustrations.com/2015/09/21/free-vintage-christmas-illustrations-in-                                         color-from-vintage-childrens-books/public-domain-christmas-book-illustration-1/#main

This vintage image of the pre-Christmas flurry is a charming illustration of a bygone era. With lots of characters rushing about in preparation for the holiday, there is plenty to write about! Pick one character or group of characters and relate their narrative over three paragraphs. What happened before the picture? During the picture? Right after the picture? Conversely, students might enjoy writing three different paragraphs that each focus on a different character or group of characters to tell a story. Younger students will enjoy focusing on one part of the picture to tell the narrative in a single paragraph.

Writing from Pictures is a great unit to utilize during the hustle and bustle of the holidays. We hope you and your students enjoy the activity! If any of your students write about the picture above, please share it with us. We’d love to see their creativity!

Merry Christmas from IEW!

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