Three Things My Parents Pushed in High School That Changed My Life

Jun 10, 2016 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

by Woody Robertson

Nearing the end of my high school years, I was struck with the reality that I had too many interests and very little understanding of where I should focus. My relatives and friends kept asking the dreaded question, “So, Woody, what are you going to do when you grow up?” to which I made up answers I thought would impress, like, “I’m going to be an attorney.” At age 18, the thought of choosing a college major and career track completely overwhelmed me.

A recent Gallup study found that 68% of people are not engaged in their work. Did you know that statistically, heart attacks happen most frequently on Mondays, the day people go back to work? Many people spend their entire life working in areas that are uninspiring to them. They exchange their life for a paycheck and as a result, live frustrating lives. Take the time to understand where you’re headed early. You’ll have a better chance of getting on the right track than when you’re mid-career with a family to support.

Here are three practical steps my parents encouraged me toward in high school which, looking back twenty years later, clearly shaped my life:

  1. Take an aptitude assessment like the Strong® Interest Inventory, StrengthsQuest™, or Navigate Purpose Discovery.

  2. Consider a gap year of interning, non-profit work, and traveling the world. This helped me gain tremendous life and career experiences before investing heavily in a college degree.

  3. Connect with a mentor, someone you respect who can provide perspective and feedback. Look for someone in your community or church you can ask questions of and who can impart wisdom in your life.

At Lumerit/CollegePlus, we place a strong emphasis on helping students discover their life purpose. This is the idea that if you follow your God-given natural giftings and passions, you will find fulfillment. Developing an awareness now of who you are and where you’re going is key to your success and future.

Join Woody Robertson and Andrew Pudewa for a free webinar:
Strategies for Maximizing the High School Years
Monday, June 13, 7:30PM CDT
For Parents and Teachers of Teens

Click here to register.

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