Why IEW Works for Students with Learning Differences: Podcast Episode 356

Jan 18, 2023 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

Why is IEW a good fit for students with special needs? This week Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker read through testimonials from teaching parents to help answer the question. Tune in to this inspiring episode and learn how IEW's Structure and Style methodology breaks the complex task of writing into small, manageable steps that teach students the process and give them the confidence to succeed.

Essentially, the Structure and Style Method equips you, the teacher, to tailor the material to the needs of your students. How do you do this? You control the variables! First, choose material with source texts at or below a student’s reading ability. We have alternate source texts available for many of our theme-based writing lessons. Additionally, you can adjust the complexity of the style techniques on the assignment checklist. Our Checklist Generator, only available to Premium Members, makes this a breeze! IEW’s mnemonic EZ+1 helps you remember to give your students only one new stylistic technique at a time. Students want to do what they think they can do. As Andrew notes, “When you can adjust the pacing, you can get a tremendously better result.”

Although IEW’s writing curriculum was not designed specifically for students with learning differences, we continue to receive feedback from parents and teachers working with students that have a range of learning needs. Enjoy this episode as Andrew and Julie share and discuss several testimonials.


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