November Poetry: “Gathering Leaves”

Nov 24, 2017 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


The cooling temperatures and crisp fall breezes have done their work in most of the United States. The leaves have fallen. Branches are bare or nearly there, and now is the time to gather them up in anticipation of the first snowfall.

Robert Frost, perhaps America’s most celebrated poet, went through the annual leaf-clearing ritual as well. Read his beautiful poem about it, and the next time you head out into the yard with your rake in hand, think of his words. Perhaps they will encourage you to look at a previous drudgery with a new appreciation and enjoyment.


           Gathering Leaves
           by Robert Frost

           Spades take up leaves
           No better than spoons,
           And bags full of leaves
           Are light as balloons.

           I make a great noise
           Of rustling all day
           Like rabbit and deer
           Running away.

           But the mountains I raise
           Elude my embrace,
           Flowing over my arms
           And into my face.

           I may load and unload
           Again and again
           Till I fill the whole shed,
           And what have I then?

           Next to nothing for weight,
           And since they grew duller
           From contact with earth,
           Next to nothing for color.

           Next to nothing for use.
           But a crop is a crop,
           And who’s to say where
           The harvest shall stop?

We hope you enjoyed this wonderful poem. If you are getting ready to head out into the crisp fall weather to gather your own “crop” of leaves, enjoy the experience. It comes but once a year, and soon enough those snowflakes will start flying! Fortunately, your opportunity to enjoy great poetry is year-round. Check out IEW’s Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization for more great poetry to share with your family.

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