Hot Off the Press! Timeline of Classics (Second Edition)

Feb 26, 2016 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


Taking my kids to the library was one of my very favorite things to do as a homeschool mom. Our library bag was way too heavy as we lugged it to the van, but everyone was happy and content.

The early years of learning history through literature with my kids seemed pretty straightforward and carefree. We loved the flexibility of studying the same time period together as a family. But an inevitable question eventually crept into my thoughts: How was I going to teach more advanced literature?

I am pleased to present to you the second edition of Timeline of Classics: Historical Context for the Good and Great Books, the method that solved my dilemma! More teacher features have been added to this updated edition to make studying literary classics more enjoyable, meaningful, and simple than you might imagine.

In case you haven’t been introduced, Timeline of Classics is a chronological index of literary classics, biographies, plays, audio resources, and films that have been arranged into four broad divisions of world history. Families with children of multiple ages and ability levels will find it easy to locate books and resources for studying a given time period.

In this second edition, I am happy to share with you a simple but effective method for increasing reading comprehension, building strong vocabulary, and preparing advanced students for writing about literature: Reader-Response Journaling. Any student can learn this simple but powerful discipline.

Not only do I walk you through the simple steps of journaling through literature, but I also present sample journals for three beloved favorites: The Magician’s Nephew, The Prince and the Pauper, and Oliver Twist. These journals include vocabulary, sample key word outlines, notable quotes, and literary devices.

It has been my intent that this single guide simplify your study of history and literature from the elementary grades through high school. Many people have shared with me that they had attempted to research and assemble this type of resource, but had given up at the magnitude of the task.

Never fear! Timeline of Classics is here to give you more time to do with your children what you cherish most: read good and great books! Join me for the no-fear, no-tears approach to literary analysis.

Would you like a chance to win a free copy of Timeline of Classics? Click here to enter this week’s Hot Off the Press drawing. (Winner to be drawn Friday, March 4.) Congratulations to Stacey S., winner of this week's drawing!


Gail Ledbetter earned a B.S. in Bible and Elementary Education from Columbia International University. After teaching for many years in Gwinnett County, GA, she entered the most challenging classroom of all, where her heart remains captivated with her four children. Gail taught writing and literary analysis for many years in her home, in local co-op classes, and online. She now serves IEW as a Certified online instructor, author, and exhibitor.


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