Hot Off the Press! Following Narnia Volume 2: Aslan’s Country

Sep 02, 2016 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


Narnia lovers, rejoice! If you’ve used and loved Following Narnia® Volume 1: The Lion’s Song, you’ll be delighted to know that IEW has recently released the sequel: Following Narnia® Volume 2: Aslan’s Country.

As a child reading the Narnia series (over and over and over again), I would have loved getting to study and write about Narnia in school! The Following Narnia books guide students through the series as they write about topics from each book. You can read my review of Volume 1 here. In Volume 2, students will learn advanced writing skills while enjoying the last four of the Narnia books (Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, and The Last Battle). As they work through the nine units of the IEW syllabus, they will write about topics from the books such as “Suits of Armour,” “Island of Dreams,” “A Parliament of Owls,” and “Aslan Called Them Home.”

This second volume is recommended for middle school or early high school students with at least one year of experience with IEW. It starts with a quick review of Units 1 and 2, and then dives into the later units, spending three or four lessons on each. By the end of the book, students will have written a six-paragraph formal essay with citations based on their research about Gothic architecture. You can find the complete scope and sequence for the book and several sample lessons here.

If you haven’t yet chosen a theme-based book for the school year, this could be a great way to spend the year with your students, reading and writing your way through the beauty and adventures of Narnia!​

Congratulations to the winner of our drawing for Following Narnia® Volume 2: Aslan’s Country [Teacher/Student Combo]: Tania H.!


When she was ten years old, Genevieve (Pudewa) Priest attended the first writing class her dad had ever taught. Little did they know then that IEW would grow from that seedling into a company serving homeschoolers and schools around the world! Having taught in Montessori schools, homeschooled a younger sibling, and taught IEW writing to homeschool students, she enjoys being able to offer support and encouragement to parents, teachers, and students on their educational journey.

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