The Great Grammar Give and Take, Part 1: Podcast Episode 228

Jul 15, 2020 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


The summer months are a period of preparation for educators and teaching parents. Curriculum considerations and decisions dominate during this time. One area where our customer service team fields a lot of questions is on the subject of grammar. When should I introduce grammar to my students? How important is it to teach grammar? Should I include diagramming when I teach the subject? These are just a few of the questions asked. In podcast Episode 228 Andrew and Julie discuss these questions and more.

Listen to the episode to learn what Andrew describes as the four paradoxes of grammar. After that he defines the three divisions of grammar. To tie the episode up, he contrasts two of the best ways to teach grammar with two of the worst ways. Episode 228 is the first in a series of two podcasts that reflect on the subject of grammar, so be sure to listen to Episode 229 when it is released next week, when the conversation shifts focus to IEW’s grammar program, Fix It! Grammar, and addresses more customer questions about grammar.

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