Going Advanced: Podcast Episode 187

May 02, 2019 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


Are you working with high school students? If so, Podcast Episode 187 is a must-listen episode! During the podcast, Andrew and Julie discuss advanced essay models, describing what some of these models look like and how to approach writing them.

Together they examine what characteristics separate argumentative essays from persuasive essays. Andrew takes time to clearly describe their differences not only in intent but also in how they are structured. He also shares some potential topics for essays that are relevant to teenagers that you may wish to assign to your own students.

If your students have ever struggled with planning an essay to match an instructor’s length requirement, Andrew also describes an easy way to tackle it that only involves a small amount of math. And if your student needs to write a massive, multi-page essay, Andrew describes how to organize it.

There’s a lot of wealth to be gained by listening to this episode. We are confident it will help you feel much more empowered to help your students with their end-of-year essay assignments.

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