Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 150

Aug 08, 2018 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


One hundred-fifty podcasts. That’s a big number! And in this 150th podcast, Andrew and Julie address listeners’ questions in our regular segment, “Ask Andrew Anything.”

There are a wide range of questions asked during the podcast. Perhaps one of them may be one you are also wondering about. In this episode, Andrew and Julie discuss:

  • how to make IEW work for a girl who would rather be playing or doing other hands-on work;

  • how to motivate students who dislike reading and doing homework outside of class time;

  • how to teach children who have short attention spans;

  • how to know whether you are doing enough as a homeschool parent to prepare a high school student for the wider world;

  • how to teach a moody and noncompliant teeneger; and

  • where and how to start teaching IEW to middle school students.

In response, Andrew delivers sage advice as well as a few book recommendations to encourage and educate you.

One hundred-fifty podcasts. It certainly is a big number! And to celebrate this milestone, we are offering a contest where you can win a $50 IEW gift certificate. In order to participate, answer a few questions on this survey. The deadline is August 19. We are super excited about our 150th podcast episode, and we are looking forward to continuing the fun and eventually reaching podcast 200. Thank you for supporting us as you listen!

Do you have a question for Andrew? Send it to You never know; it may appear on the podcast. And if it doesn’t, no worries! Our customer service team will follow up with you directly and provide an answer.

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