Announcing IEW’s 2021 Writing Contest!

Mar 05, 2021 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


As winter begins to wane, and the days slowly stretch out longer and longer, we at IEW grow excited because we know the annual IEW Writing Contest is nearly here. We look forward to receiving each student’s submission. It’s a rewarding way for students to show off their writing skills. Divided into three groups (Levels A, B, and C), the contest features a unique prompt for each grade level. This year’s prompts are as follows:

  • Level A (ages 8‒10)
    What is the most important thing that someone could do for a person he or she loves?

  • Level B (ages 11‒13)
    Who is someone that you trust? Why do you find him or her so trustworthy?

  • Level C (ages 14 and older)
    It has been said that you spend the first few decades of life preparing for the rest of your life. What things are you doing right now to prepare for the rest of your life?

The contest is open to all students ages 8 through high school regardless of IEW writing experience, and prizes will be awarded at each level, for the student as well as for the instructor! Enter the level according to your student’s age as of March 1, 2021. First place winners in each category will win $100.00 along with a $100.00 IEW gift card for the teacher, tutor, or parent. Second place prize is $50.00 for the student and a $50.00 gift card for the instructor. Third prize is $25.00 for the student and a $25.00 gift card for the instructor. Participants will receive a code that allows them to get a FREE Portable Walls product based on their level (just pay shipping). Judging will be done by IEW’s very own online instructors.

Complete rules and guidelines for the contest can be found at this link.

Entering writing contests can be fun as well as rewarding. If you haven’t yet had your students submit their work to one, this is a great contest to have them begin. To learn more about why your students should enter writing contests, read Marci Harris’ blog post, “The Benefits of Entering Writing Contests.” Marci is one of our Level C online instructors.

We wish each student good luck and can’t wait to read their submissions!

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