Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 190

May 13, 2019 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


With the arrival of Podcast Episode 190, we are once again able to enjoy an episode of “Ask Andrew Anything.” Every tenth episode Andrew and Julie take time to answer listeners’ questions. In this episode Andrew focuses on three.

The first question ponders the importance of developing voice in student writers. A listener asks Andrew if Structure and Style®️ stifles the development of voice in the student writer or if it actually helps develop it. As Andrew discusses this issue, he draws some parallels between what Structure and Style accomplishes and what a voice teacher aims to achieve with her students.

The next question comes from a mother of a student who is interested in the country of Japan and its culture. She asks Andrew for suggestions on the best way for her child to learn the language as well as his thoughts about the opportunities that open for a high school student who studies abroad. One of the experiences Andrew shares is how he made a breakthrough in gaining fluency with the Japanese language when he lived in the country several years ago.

The final question of the episode comes from a mother of a dyslexic child. She wonders if it is important for her child to visually read along in the text as he listens to an audio book. Andrew answers her question and provides some additional tips as well.

“Ask Andrew Anything” episodes are always a treat. You never know what topics will pop up! Do you have a question for Andrew? Send it to Perhaps your question will be one of the next ones featured in Podcast 200!


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