Accreditation and Adventure!

May 30, 2019 | Posted by Jennifer


Are you going to be teaching IEW curriculum in the upcoming school year? Make the most of your summer by participating in the 2019 Great TWSS Adventure. And while you’re at it, keep track of your practicum assignments. At the end of the summer, you can send them in to our accreditation office to be reviewed to become an IEW Registered Instructor. To receive a weekly email reminder for the event, sign up at this link.

Your Great TWSS Adventure will begin the week of June 10 and will run for nine weeks (skipping over the week of July 4). It’s quickly approaching, so now is the time to gather your materials! You will need access to the video component of the course (either DVD or streaming) as well as your own practicum notebook. Watch the lesson for the week, and then jump into the conversation to talk about what you learned and share any questions you’ve got with your fellow adventurers. Combining a sense of community and empowering education, the “adventure” will be a fun way to complete the training. The event will be hosted on a special Facebook event page, and along the way we plan to have all sorts of fun and weekly drawings for IEW gift certificates.

To start off the week, Andrew Pudewa will be doing a Facebook live appearance each Monday morning of the event, but if you aren’t able to join him at that time, no worries! It will also be recorded for you to watch at your leisure. One of the best features of the event is that you can participate during the week when it makes the most sense for you and your family. Watch the video lesson early in the morning before the kids are awake, with a steaming cup of tea at your side, or view it later in the evening, after the house has quieted down, wearing your comfiest jammies. Or turn it into a party atmosphere and invite other teachers, parents, or tutors to join you in the fun, and offer snacks and plenty of sweet tea! Whichever way works best for you is great, but be sure to do one more thing—complete the practicum. Doing so will pave the way for you to become an accredited Registered Instructor.

Accreditation is meaningful. Because they have actually done the work they will be teaching their students, Registered IEW Instructors have a very good idea of the challenges their own students will face in their writing tasks. It is one thing to teach a concept; it is an entirely different thing to actually work through that concept yourself. The accreditation process assures parents that the instructor has gone through all nine units herself before presenting them to her students.

Accreditation offers other benefits as well. Only accredited IEW instructors may make use of the trademarked names “Institute for Excellence in Writing,” “IEW,” and “Structure and Style Writing Method” when marketing their classes. Additionally, accredited IEW instructors are able to be included in the IEW Accredited Instructor list. All of these benefits will help you to develop classes and recruit your students with ease!

By participating in the 2019 Great TWSS Adventure, you will enjoy support and accountability as you move through the syllabus. This summer, take some time to equip yourself for the fall. You will grow your skills, gain some friends, and give your students your absolute IEW best! It’s going to be a great summer!


Jennifer Mauser has always loved reading and writing and received a B.A. in English from the University of Kansas in 1991. Once she and her husband had children, they decided to homeschool, and she put all her training to use in the home. In addition to homeschooling her children, Jennifer teaches IEW classes out of her home, coaches budding writers via email, and tutors students who struggle with dyslexia.

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