Speech Contest

Are you interested in competing in a speech contest? Public speaking is one of the most valuable skills students can master that will help them stand apart in their careers.

This year IEW is proud to host our second speech contest for students ages 12–17. Participants can select their own topic, depending on the style of speech they choose to enter. Winners will receive a cash prize, and their teacher or parent will receive an IEW® gift certificate of equal value.

Submission Guidelines

  • Students can participate in one or more speech categories, and there is no cost to enter. Participants should video their speeches and are permitted to use notes while delivering their speeches.

  • Speeches must be the student's own work (not delivery of another person's speech).
  • Speeches must be filmed between May 8, 2024, and October 25, 2024, and the speaker must be between the ages of 12 and 17 years at the time of filming.

  • Videos must be a single take and must adhere to the length requirements for each speech category (see each individual speech category below for maximum length limitations). Video submissions that have had footage removed during the speech or that contain a speech that is longer than the maximum speech length requirement will be disqualified.

  • Each video should be uploaded to YouTube as an “unlisted” video.

  • Any speech submitted must contain family-friendly content. IEW is the sole determiner of what constitutes family-friendly content.

  • No one other than the speaker should be visible in the video although an off-screen audience is perfectly fine.

  • A parent or guardian of each participant must sign a video release on the registration form. Submitting a speech automatically gives IEW the right to use the content of the speech and likeness of the speaker in any way IEW deems fit. Submissions become the property of IEW for any purpose whatsoever with no expectation of further compensation to the speaker.

  • After the submission deadline, IEW will judge the speeches using this critique form and announce winners in December. Submission Deadline: October 25, 2024.

The following conditions will result in disqualification of a submission: 
  • Submission of a speech that was written by or originated from someone other than the student.
  • Submission of a speech filmed before May 8, 2024, or after October 25, 2024.
  • Submission of a speech by a speaker that is younger than 12 or older than 17 at the time of filming.
  • Submission of a video that has had footage removed during the speech. 
  • Submission of a video that contains a speech that is longer than the maximum speech length requirement for that particular speech category.
  • Submission of a speech that is delivered as anything other than an “unlisted” video on YouTube.
  • Submission of a speech that does not contain family-friendly content in IEW’s sole determination.
  • Submission of a video in which individuals other than the speaker are visible.
  • Submission of a speech video without a signed video release by a parent or guardian.





Past Winning Speeches

Are you interested in seeing what works well for speech submissions? Enjoy some of the winning speeches from last year.

Xavier S. - The Gift 
Theodore L. - Calan the Brave
Alana B. - Home 

Jeremy B. - Poetry
Xavier S. - Euthanasia 
Moses S. - Cleaning 

Gracie R.
Taylor M.
Blaise S. 

Caleb G. – The Alamo

Do you need help learning how to prepare and deliver an effective speech? To assist students in learning the fundamentals, IEW offers Introduction to Public Speaking.

In this twelve-week course, middle- and high-school students learn memory and delivery techniques as they write and present five speeches: self-introductory, narrative, expository, persuasive, and impromptu. Students evaluate recorded speeches in preparation for self-evaluation. This self-explanatory program empowers teachers to help students become competent and confident public speakers.

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