Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons [Teacher's Manual only]

Implementing the Structure and Style® Writing Method

Category: Writing
Author: Lori Verstegen
  • 6-8
  • ELL
  • Tchr
Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons [Teacher's Manual only]
Purchase this Teacher's Manual if you already own the accompanying Student Book and need to complete the set.

Experience the adventures of the ancient world!

This complete Teacher’s Manual contains answer keys, embedded images of student pages, teaching tips, vocabulary quizzes, student exemplars, simplified source texts, and advanced source texts for older students.

These lessons are designed to be used by an instructor who has been through the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style seminar, either live or on video.

Perfect for homeschoolers, homeschool co-ops, tutors, and hybrid schools, this theme-based writing curriculum supports parents and teachers in teaching writing to middle school students (grades 6-8) .

Specifications: 334 pages

ISBN: 978-1-62341-345-3

Edition: Sixth Edition, December 2020

Copyright Date: 2020


Teacher’s Manual:

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Small group or co-op classes: Because this Teacher’s Manual may not be reproduced, each teacher must purchase his or her own copy.

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