Advanced Spelling and Vocabulary: Bible & Theology - Difficult Word Pronunciation List

According to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "not all educated speakers pronounce words the same way."

Lesson Track Time Signature Spelling Word Pronunciation on CD An Alternate Pronunciation Notes
One 2 2:39 Belteshazzar Bel-tesh-ә-zar Bel-tuh-shaz-er  
Two 4 1:24 theologian   thē-ə--jən (Mr. Pudewa accidentally mispronounced this word during the contextual sentence, but it is not a list word.)
Two 4 5:47 Christology krī‐stol‐uh‐jee kri-stol-uh-jee (Mr. Pudewa accidentally mispronounced this word during the contextual sentence, but it is not a list word.)
Three 6 3:00 habergeon hab-әr-jee-on hab-ər-jən  
Three 6 6:11 Naphtali naf-tah-lee naf-tuh-lī  
Four 8 1:07 propitiation pro-pit-ee-ey-shuhn pruh-pish-ee-ey-shuhn  
Four 8 2:31 ascetic as-sět-ik uh-set-ik  
Four 8 3:48 Colossea kaw-lə--uh kə-lŏs  

The bold syllable indicates a word's primary stress.

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