“The Buck Stops Here”

Aug 16, 2017 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


In Harry Truman’s day, people who shirked responsibility and shifted blame were accused of “passing the buck.” According to the Truman Library website, in an address at the National War College in December 1952, Mr. Truman plainly stated, "You know, it's easy for the Monday morning quarterback to say what the coach should have done, after the game is over. But when the decision is up before you—and on my desk I have a motto which says ‘The Buck Stops Here'—the decision has to be made."

Does the “buck”—literally and figuratively—stop with you? Are you the one ultimately responsible for deciding how your family’s limited funds will be spent for your homeschool? It is a difficult decision. Additionally, because of the limited time you have to teach your children and also manage your household, it’s very tempting to choose a curriculum that offers a more passive path towards writing success. But does it really save you time and money in the end? What if the promised outcomes don’t materialize? Does the curriculum offer support? Can you get your money back?

If you choose IEW to partner with for your writing instruction, not only will you receive our 100% satisfaction guarantee on everything we sell, you will also gain the benefit of curriculum support. Our Oklahoma-based customer support staff is patient, knowledgeable, and experienced. Additionally, we offer support through our webinars, podcast, forum, and blog. We work hard to help you as you craft confident and competent communicators and thinkers in your family. We are here for you.

In addition to our outstanding customer service agents, IEW’s Homeschool Educational Consultants are happy to speak with parents needing additional support for their families as they implement IEW in their homeschool. We call them our “911” Team. Why do we do this? Because we know from experience that successful implementation of any program requires that the teaching parent have a clear understanding of the process and its goals. In short, we want you to feel confident teaching your children. That’s why we’re here.

Along with our talented support staff, we’ve also created resources to help busy parents that are designed to make this process as smooth as possible. Our Structure and Style for Students programs allow allow you to get up and running with IEW quickly. Start with one of these video-based courses while you learn the full process with Teaching Writing: Structure and Style over time. And our IEW forum, webinars, podcasts, articles, and blog posts consistently offer a bulwark of support and advice to get the most out of the Structure and Style methodology.

Simply stated, our warranty guarantees you’ll get our best. Whether it's our customer service, our products, or our Structure and Style™ writing method, we put our best foot forward in supporting those who choose IEW. We challenge anyone to find another educational institution or curriculum publishing company that offers the same level of service and commitment.

Try us out and you’ll see. At IEW, “The buck stops here!”

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