What’s Your IEW®️ Story?

Aug 09, 2019 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


My story began like many others’. Several years ago I heard about this fabulous written expression program called IEW from a friend of mine. I was intrigued. Later when I attended my state’s homeschool convention, I bought the combination programs of Teaching Writing: Structure and Style and the Student Writing Intensive Level B.* That initial year spent exploring Structure and Style®️ with my squirrely boys was the first of many ensuing years of tremendous progress developing both of their writing skills. My daughter eventually joined in the writing adventure a year or two later, when she was a little older. Today all three have moved into college well equipped to handle any writing project tossed their way. It’s an incredibly satisfying feeling for all of us to know their skills are solid.

But as I mentioned earlier, my story is not unique.

Over the years, many other people have reached out to us to share their own IEW stories. We love each and every one and are excited to share with our readers a few stories that we’ve received from parents, educators, and even students. We are hoping to hear some of yours as well. Also, we are giving away $50.00 IEW gift certificates to four lucky people who share their experience with us. In the meantime, here are just a few of the stories we have enjoyed:


When I began my journey with IEW in the 9th grade, my understanding of how to write a paragraph was basic, and my knowledge of how to properly string together an entire paper was nonexistent. After completing two consecutive years with IEW, I am able to write a coherent paper that not only gets the point across, but also sounds interesting at the same time. I know that by the time I finish high school, I’ll be able to tackle any writing project sent my way, all thanks to IEW.
Eli B. - Student


IEW allows teachers to meet the needs of all the students. For students in need of remediation, it is a great overview of grammar and sentence structure that they may never have received. For the more advanced students, the method allows them to express thoughts in more complex ways.
Andrew Youngblood - Director of Regina Chesterton Academy at Cardinal O'Hara High School outside of Philadelphia


One of my greatest challenges as a homeschool mom was attempting to teach my son how to write effectively. When we got ahold of IEW there was quite a change in not only his writing; his attitude and confidence improved as well.
Erica J. - Homeschool Mom


I have been teaching the IEW curriculum for writing for several years. This year I taught at a homeschool co-op. I saw third graders grow from one-sentence stories to five or more paragraphs, and children in fifth and sixth grew from barely being able to express their thoughts to five-paragraph reports and creative stories! High schoolers completed their first super essay this year! THIS METHOD WORKS! I LOVE IT!
Pat G. - Co-op Instructor


Despite a degree in English, writing was the subject that intimidated me the most when it came to teaching my children. IEW has made writing fun and something to look forward to for my girls, and I am thrilled with the quality of skills that they are learning to use in their writing.
Mindy S. Homeschool Mom


What’s your IEW story? We want to hear it! Share it with us at testimonial@IEW.com



*The Student Writing Intensive series was discontinued in November 2019 and replaced by the Structure and Style for Students program.


IEW® and Structure and Style® are registered trademarks of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, L.L.C.

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