Cooking with Andrew and Julie, Part 1: Podcast Episode 225

Jun 24, 2020 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


What do pizza peels, purple potatoes, and picky eaters have in common? You’ll find out in podcast Episode 225. Lighthearted and slightly divergent from the typical topics related to the language arts, this episode explores cooking, a common interest of Andrew and Julie’s.

Learn how Andrew first became interested in the culinary arts at the age of twelve. Discover how Julie contrived to hide her uneaten vegetables from her family’s notice. Pick up a few recipes to try with your own family. As Andrew mentions in the podcast, “Part of the satisfaction of cooking is the ability to share, to share my joy.” We hope you enjoy how Andrew and Julie describe their love of cooking and that you will return for the following episode, which examines cooking as a metaphor for the language arts.

We think you’ll agree that it’s a fun show, and it may even inspire you to look at cooking in a whole new light. Chocolate mousse? Vichyssoise? Cashew chicken? It all sounds so utterly delicious! Check it out here.

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