High School Essay Intensive
High School Essay Intensive –
SAT Essay & College Application Essays †
A one-day seminar for high school students and teachers
8180 N Shadeland Ave.,
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Contact Info
This event is now full and registration is closed.
Cost: $50.00/participant (accompanying adult, $25.00)
There will be a lunch break from approximately 12:15–1:00; students may bring a lunch, or go out and return promptly.
Also join us for the Indiana Association of Home Educators Convention (IAHE) afterwards.
The High School Essay Intensive class is an excellent way to get immediate experience and inside tips on how to do your best on the timed, 25 minute response to a prompt required on the SAT and/or ACT tests. Participants will actually write two full essays, carefully study and then apply the College Board evaluation criteria to sample essays, while receiving a detailed booklet of resources and lesson plans for continued practice.
Additionally, students will learn special structure and style tools for use in composing the college application "personal essay"—an entirely different type of writing task. The complete process will be presented: choosing the question, creating the outline, and polishing a final version. Participants will leave with a clear concept of the task, their own outline for an actual personal essay, and several new tricks and techniques to add to their repertoire.
Although this seminar is specifically designed for those who will be taking the SAT/ACT or submitting college applications within the next 1–2 years (and especially those teaching such students), it is also useful for general writing practice, tools and tips. It is open to all students, regardless of their experience with IEW courses or materials. A lot of actual writing is done during this six-hour class.