Fix It! Grammar: Level 1 Nose Tree [Teacher/Student Combo]

Category: Grammar
Author: Pamela White
  • 3-5
Fix It! Grammar: Level 1 Nose Tree [Teacher/Student Combo]
Fix It!® Grammar: Level 1 Nose Tree offers students a gentle introduction to the fundamentals of grammar. Students read about three brave soldiers, a whimsical dwarf, and a cunning princess in an adventure, where each daily passage reveals a new portion of the tale. As students hunt for and correct errors, they learn the basic parts of speech, end-mark punctuation, phrases, clauses, and homophones. No prior grammar knowledge is needed.

Fix It! Grammar is a six-year, incremental program that encourages students to apply new grammar knowledge in every lesson while continuing to practice what they already know.

Fix It! Grammar: Level 1 Nose Tree presumes no prior grammar knowledge and introduces basic parts of speech, end-mark punctuation, phrases, clauses, homophones, and more.

Specifications: Teacher: 256 pages, Student: 204 pages

ISBN: 978-1-62341-375-0

Edition: Fourth Edition, January 2022

Copyright Date: 2022


Student Book:

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by U.S.A. copyright law and the specific policy below:

Home use: The purchaser may copy this Student Book for use by multiple children within his or her immediate family. Each family must purchase its own Student Book.

Small group or co-op classes: Each participating student or family is required to purchase a Student Book. A teacher may not copy from this Student Book.

Classroom teachers: A Student Book must be purchased for each participating student. A teacher may not copy from this Student Book.


Teacher's Manual:

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by U.S.A. copyright law and the specific policy below:

Home use: Because this Teacher’s Manual may not be reproduced, each teacher must purchase his or her own copy.

Small group or co-op classes: Because this Teacher’s Manual may not be reproduced, each teacher must purchase his or her own copy.

Classroom teachers: Because this Teacher’s Manual may not be reproduced, each teacher must purchase his or her own copy.

Library use: This Teacher’s Manual may be checked out of a lending library provided patrons agree not to make copies.

"My second child who is mildly dyslexic had the old Fix It! Grammar previously (which was hands down the most successful program for teaching her grammar). My third child has ADHD, and she had started on the old Fix It!, and she liked it. But when I switched to the new version, it became a game and a fun challenge to her. Well done! I cannot recommend this product enough. It is fantastic for helping to understand how sentences are constructed in bite-sized pieces, and it coordinates so well with the writing program. (We are doing Structure and Style for Students Year 1, Level A.) Thank you for being so thoughtful and for continuing to work so hard at developing excellent writers and communicators!"
- Valerie A.

"As an ELA teacher I loved teaching Fix It! Grammar!"
- Beth

"Thanks for the free grammar cards. We love using Fix It Grammar in our homeschool."
- Tisha

"Because English is my second language, I have found IEW's courses to be incredible tools for homeschooling during these strange times. My daughters and I are learning and enjoying the Structure and Style and Fix It! Grammar programs so much. Please let Mr. Pudewa know that he is a blessing to all of us!"
- Ana

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