Katie Eades

Customer Service Agent


Katie Eades graduated from Liberty University with an English degree, minoring in Secondary Education. She went on to teach ninth, eleventh, and twelfth grade high school English—with a brief stint at a local co-op—for over six years. Katie and her husband, Matthew, welcomed two boys and have been homeschooling them from the beginning. After taking the TWSS course one weekend, Katie has used IEW materials with her boys from kindergarten onward. She is currently on IEW's CSC team, can often be seen at the NC Homeschool Convention IEW booth, and homeschools her two sons, both in high school. Katie has enjoyed teaching writing, literary analysis, and history to middle and high school students at her local co-op for many years. She is a voracious reader of historical fiction, loves community events and road trips, and treasures her time with family and friends.

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