Jennifer Mauser

Educational Consultant
Special Education


Jennifer Mauser has always loved reading and writing and received a BA in English from the University of Kansas. Once she and her husband had children, they decided to homeschool, and she put all her education to use in the home. Discovering IEW when her oldest was in fifth grade, she knew she had found the perfect writing program for her family and never looked back. Her children are all grown and have either graduated from college or are finishing up, so now she has turned her attention to working with other students. Jennifer teaches writing and literature classes in a local co-op as well as online. A certified Barton tutor at the master level, she specializes in working with dyslexic students by using her training in both programs. Living near the venerable city of St. Augustine, Florida, she relishes regular trips to the beach, where she can often be found with a book or a bit of knitting in hand.

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