Introduce your students to the beauty of literature through the doorway of poetry. Enrich vocabulary while infusing reliably correct and sophisticated English language patterns into students' minds. How? By listening to and memorizing these classic poems and speeches, which are read with flair and finesse!
Looking for a new approach to spelling? This phonics-based program uses auditory input to ensure that the correct spelling of each word is absorbed by the brain. The audio allows students to work independently much of the time, while allowing for the repetition needed for mastery. The audio portion of the program can be purchased as CDs or as an MP3 download. If you choose the MP3 download, the study cards will be shipped and a regular shipping fee will be applied.
Discover the blended sound-sight approach to teaching your child to read! By combining phonics with some sight words, your child can begin to read quickly and with ease while building a solid foundation for the future. Games, activities, and stickers add interest for the child, and you'll love the clear directions and thorough explanations. Use concurrently with the PAL: Writing program.
The Primary Arts of Language Reading and Writing materials are designed to go hand in hand. Start with the reading program, where students learn phonics and sight words while playing games and completing other engaging activities. Gradually add in the writing program, and students reinforce their reading skills with writing while learning to print letters, words, sentences, and stories using the Structure and Style® approach. Your child will learn to read and write, and will enjoy the process! Guaranteed.
Bring your child from learning to print to writing one- to three-paragraph compositions with structure and style! This complete package includes everything you need to teach your young child to write, from printing practice and sentence formation to early grammar, story sequence analysis, and writing paragraphs.
Experience the adventures of the ancient world!
Get to know the heroes of the Bible while learning to write with structure and style.
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