Phonetic Zoo Spelling Level B [Audio Only]

A Self-Teaching Spelling Program

Category: Spelling
Author: Andrew Pudewa, James B. Webster, Ph.D.
  • 3-5
  • 6-8
  • ELL
Phonetic Zoo Spelling Level B [Audio Only] Phonetic Zoo Spelling Level B [Audio Only]
Phonetic Zoo Spelling Level B [Audio Only]
Looking for a new approach to spelling? This phonics-based program uses auditory input to ensure that the correct spelling of each word is absorbed by the brain. The audio CDs allow students to work independently much of the time, while allowing for the repetition needed for mastery.

Purchase the audio CDs (or MP3s) alone if you already have a level of the Phonetic Zoo Starter Set and would like to move to the next level.

Purchase the complete Phonetic Zoo Spelling Starter Set if this is your first time using The Phonetic Zoo.

Give your student our placement test to determine which level to start with.

This product includes:

  • 5 audio CDs (includes MP3 downloads)
    or MP3 downloads and no CDs
  • Phonetic Zoo Teacher’s Notes PDF e-book

Click here to learn more about The Phonetic Zoo.

Specifications: 5 audio CDs (includes MP3 downloads) or MP3 downloads and no CDs

ISBN: CDs Only: 978-0-9840990-5-4

Copyright Date: 1999



All rights reserved.

Disc media may not be copied.


Phonetic Zoo Teacher's Notes:

Our duplicating/copying policy for this Teacher's Manual:

All rights reserved.

This downloadable PDF file (e-book) is for use by the original purchaser only. Ownership may not be transferred or sold (except when it is contained in the original CD-ROM accompanying the program). No part of its contents may be modified, reproduced, transmitted from the initial retrieval system, distributed, or otherwise transmitted in any form or by any means including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author, except as provided by U.S.A. copyright law and the specific policy below:

Home use: You may print this Teacher’s Manual e-book for use within your immediate family.

Small group or co-op classes: You may print this Teacher’s Manual e-book for your own use, as well as copy the student-related materials contained within for use in your own class. A copy of the Phonetic Zoo program must be purchased for each classroom.

Classroom teachers: You may print this Teacher’s Manual e-book for your own use, as well as copy the student-related materials contained within for use in your own class. A copy of the Phonetic Zoo program must be purchased for each classroom.


Library use: A library may print one copy of this e-book, which may be checked out by patrons provided they agree not to make copies.

My state requires homeschoolers to take annual, standardized tests and my daughter's results just came back. I was thrilled to see her spelling score leap up by 21 percentage points! This was our second year using Phonetic Zoo; the first year her spelling score improved by 26 percentage points! I realize that test scores aren't everything, but this is measurable, tangible proof of improvement--not a nebulous observation on my part that her spelling is getting better (which it is). I'm so excited! Thank You, IEW!
Homeschool Parent

We used Phonetic Zoo for the first time this past school year with my 4th grade daughter, 9 at the time, and she and I both loved it!! Because there are 47 lessons in the level A, it would be quite difficult-if not impossible-to finish the whole thing in a standard school year, and we still have a few more lessons to go before she'll be done. During the summer, as a review, she and I are creating the lap-book discussed on the group earlier this month.
My daughter was behind in spelling quite badly at the beginning of the school year, and Phonetic Zoo was kind of a desperation ploy. She's never learned well from workbooks, so I was trying a completely different approach. At first, the lessons were quite difficult and sometimes took her 8 or 9 tries to complete; but as she got accustomed to the program, she started "training her brain," so to speak. Although some lessons still take longer than others, she has completed some in as little as 3 days!!!
She gets so excited when she makes 100% and goes leaping and dancing around the house!! Overall, her spelling has improved tremendously. She seems to be internalizing the patterns to spelling now, which she never seemed to do with the "rules." We will definitely be ordering level B in the fall!!!
Homeschool Parent

We used Phonetic Zoo with our 8th grade son. Previously, he was taught to read using the whole-language approach and his spelling was atrocious. On average, he would make 8-10 spelling errors per paragraph. After trying other programs, we purchased Phonetic Zoo Spelling Starter Set. He worked on it for a full year. I loved the Phonetic Zoo program because our son worked on it independently. He finally learned the phonetic spelling rules and how to apply them. He is now a competent speller and makes few errors in his writing. Thank you!
Homeschool Parent

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